Monday, 19 December 2011

A Saturday night in Alexandria Bay gone sour

It was a Saturday night in Alexandria Bay, Ny. I witnessed a good hockey game. My team lost. That's reality and I am in touch with it but the Privateers and the Warriors are so well matched the games can go either way every night and I love it! So I go to every game between the two to show support for the teams the players and the league.

When the Privateers visit Akwesasne or Massena where we sometimes play, There is a hockey game. There is cheering from Akwesasne fans. There is cheering from the ladies who follow the Privateers when they come to town.

When the Akwesasne fans visit the Bonnie Castle in Alex Bay there is a hockey game and what seems to be a heavily intoxicated crowd who insult visiting fans. I've heard our fans being told to shut up for cheering our team on, having rival fans getting in the face of our fans and an all around lack of respect shown. Yes our fans are just as much a part of the issue for not walking away.

Do you see the difference as this blog post has continued? It went from fun and respectful to a volatile situation in which fans are threatening, insulting  and as of Saturday nights game assaulting one another. I love hockey. This is not part of it. Every fan in every building whether they are wearing Akwesasne Warriors merchandise or 1000 Island Privateers or hell even a Delaware Federals jersey with the number 18 on it(Cape Cod fans got that one) deserves to be treated with respect and allowed the same freedoms as anyone regardless of who or how loud you cheer for them. 

This is a video of a fight at the Bell Centre in November between fans. This is not what anyone came to see that night and should not have. An example of what not to do. It looks bad for the league and everyone involved if these things continue to happen.

I'm not saying everyone needs to be perfect these things happen from time to time but when minors become a part of a fight that includes adults cooler heads need to prevail. If that isn't possible which last night showed was the case, steps need to be taken to improve the environment in which the games are viewed. Security must end altercations before they begin by
1. Stepping in sooner and asserting themselves better because alcohol is fun but also a problem in the crowd at these games and securities job is to protect players and people equally.
2. Escorting individuals(without bias) to alternate sections of the building.
3. Removing people from the building if all other options fail(without bias)

We all want to have a good time. I personally stopped two fights from occuring that night. I am a Warriors fan. I held back my fellow Akwesasne fan as well as Privateer fans. It is something I hope I won't have to do again because I just wanted to enjoy a hockey game the same way the Privateer gals do when they come to our games.

I like the passion of the fans in this league but we ALL need to be responsible and I hope for the sake of both franchises we can resolve the bitterness and learn to walk away because  a hockey game is just that A GAME so let the guys put on a show and enjoy.

Go Warriors!

If you have ideas on how to ease the situation feel free to chime in. Please keep it clean and respectful regardless of who your team or what your agenda is.

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